Sunday, August 30, 2009
Coffee and Waffles
It's not always easy

- The habits I created while Kevin was deployed.
- Re-learning how to do things for two (vs. just lil' ol' me)
- Kevin
learningremembering I'm not one of his soldiers. - Kevin's attempt to quit smoking -- if you remember a few months back I blogged about how Kevin had quit smoking (which is what I was told, mmm-hmm). Well he wasn't successful. He didn't tell me this. Basically, he returned home last Wednesday and Thursday was his first day of not smoking in a while.
- Taking responsibility for being unemployed, thus our current financial situation.
Those are some of the reasons that Kevin and I have had a difficult time reintegrating over the course of the last week. Kevin has been extremely short-tempered; flying off the handle at the smallest, most inane things. These are things that Kevin has admitted and owned up to, fully. However, I am a strong believer that a marriage is about both parties. If something is wrong or isn't working it's on both people involved. It's up to the couple (together) to work it out; get through it together!
You all know the drill after they return to work, briefings, briefings and more briefings. Well he mentioned some of our/his difficulties with getting adjusted to Behavior Health. Kevin brought home some literature home about Soldier Combat Stress. This isn't quite PTSD but it's pretty much what the name implies.
I'm here to tell everyone if your redeployment/re-integration experience isn't picture-perfect, or the smoothest of transitions it's ok. It's not the end of the world. Kevin and I are working on it and we're already doing better. So don't let the love-birds get you down. ;)
I'm off now The Santa Claus is on TBS this is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE movies.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Pictures: Part 2
Mornings are for cleaning poops off walls!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I have to tell everyone about the Homecoming... Needless to say it was very emotional. I am so happy that Kevin had such a good turn out though. There were 12 of us there just for him! His mother and step-dad came into town to be there, so that was extra special. Well I've seen all the pictures that people took except for my mother-in-law's. So far there isn't a great picture of the two of us!! Bah-hum-bug! Here are a few:

The top one was taken from cell phone and the bottom one is blurry... but I'd rather have these then NOTHING! So, I'm happy!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Poor Puppy!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Bow Chicka Wow Wow
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Attn: milspouses!!!
No news from the Army.
Just waiting... and waiting.
Thankfully, my in-laws and family are here and God willing I'll have more reliable specifics in the AM.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Looky Looky!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
You Can WILL Do Better
Husband-O- Husband...
Here's to patience.... Ha HAHa ;)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Hell of a day
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Word Verification

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I Want It... Wednesday!
Heads up
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
"Do you hear me,I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home"
"Lucky" -- Jason Mraz & Colbie Calliat
I LOVE this song. I'm happy it was featured on this last Sunday's Drop Dead Diva (love this show too... hopeful it doesn't fall victim to the curse fallen upon all show I love!)
Reason #1 Deployments totally suck!:
PS: I'm pissed at our dog! GRrrrRr
HUGE Updates
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Go away...
Frustrated. Disappointed. Lonely.
The Stuff: GI Joe. FR-Useless!. Chick-pea Salad.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Random Question
What on earth are you thinking? A Mother-effin' Rooster of all things? First: It completely clashes with my kitchen decor. Second: It's ugly. Third: The bottle in which Aunt Jemima or any other popular brand of syrup puts their glorious breakfast condiment works just fine; rendering the "syrup dispenser" unnecessary!
Love you. See you soon. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, however please refrain from sending any further Birthday gifts. Your love is all the gift that I need.
Your Niece,
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Regular Betty Crocker

We also made cheesecake brownies! I can't wait to try them. I usually make these Chocolate chip-Cheesecake Cookie Bars... but today I swapped out the choc. chip cookies for brownies! How could Brownies+Cheesecake ever be a bad thing though??! We'll see how it works out. :) yummmmm.
Yesterday was rather boring- I just deep cleaned the down stairs of my house and looked into getting insurance quotes. I did this all online but in the end they said I just had to call! What a pain... so I'll have to finish that today. Right now we're paying almost $300/month for auto and home insurance! It's outrageous. When I first shopped around for rates years ago the company we're with now were the least expensive but now it appears thy are most expensive!
Sister is napping (evidently cooking a baby makes a person TIRED) and so now I must go watch Shrek with Nathan! :) Tootle-lou people!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I Want It... Wednesday!

A new BluRay player... I'm thinking that ours is about to crap out for good. The other day about 7 minutes into a movie it completely froze; it would even turn off (for a few minutes). I know that BluRay's take little bit longer to load than DVD's but this player is pushing the limit and my patience is wearing thin! I like this one! It's Samsung so it matches our TV.. it's also a great deal!
I jumped the gun... SO SUE ME!