Next we waited and waited for our baggage then trapesed all over the Frankfurt airport where we waited for 5 hours for the busses to make their way through the ridiculous amounts of snow. You see it's been snowing for weeks in Germany and the first half of the day road conditions were Red and the busses didn't get to the airport for a while. We were so blessed to have a friend who stepped in as our proxy-sponsor (who was better than any of the other actual-IRL-sponsors we heard about.
She got our reservation at the hotel (which was crusual), and when the buss didn't get in when expected she stuck around on post and waited for us in horrible weather! I never would have expected that, we had actually just called a cab to take us to the PX to get some necessities and as we walked down the hall way to the reception area we ran into her in the hall! She was coming to our room which bread, plastic utencils, paper plates and PB&J! She's so thoughtful and sweet and was a total life saver! Not only did she run us all over post but she also took us to a local restaurant off post for dinner! She helped us through some German nuances that are obviously new for Kevin and I and we had some delicious food.
We did find out what unit Kevin is assigned to, which is good info to have (usually) but we were not expecting to hear the entire unit has just finished deploying last week; that there are only 6 soldiers from the unit remaining on post. I'm nervous to find out what is going to happen with that.... but you know we just have to roll with the punches for the time being. It is what it is right?
Kevin also got to the housing office in the one day they had to begin in-processing, we have a housing assignment but it's in the maintenance stages and our projected move-in date is 1 February... yeah you read that right! FEBRUARY! That's New Years and Christmas... Yea, swell. Maybe it'll go more quickly? Who knows, all the same, we plan to make the very best of our 63 days here at the Lageroff Inn.
That's all for now. I've been sick for over a week (through all of our traveling, ugh!) and I'm hoping to feel better soon so that I feel up to being out and about a bit more and taking some pictures. Maybe I'll figure out how to see a doctor this coming week... I see a z-pac in my future!

4 comments: glad to hear you made it 'home'!!!
i wish you guys all the best and enjoy your time their...i hear it's wonderful =)
Merry Christmas!
I'm going to be totally selfish and just say I'm glad you have internet because I have missed chatting with you!! Lol. I already told you I'm glad you got there safely. Talk to you soon!
Yay!!! Glad you guys made it there safely!!
Yay!!! Glad you guys made it there safely!!
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