Friday, July 31, 2009
The Travelers Gift (x2)
Old Navy Update
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Travelers Gift

Has anyone else read this? Basically the main character, David Ponder lost his job and is forced to reexamine what truly matters in his life. David comes to a cross roads while driving on an icy road, much like when George Bailey "wishes he were never born", in the classic "It's a Wonderful Life" and he is transported through time to visit some infamous characters that will provide him with the "7 decisions that determine personal success."
I'm just wondering if anyone else has read this and what your thoughts are on it...
So far I've only read about the first 2 decisions (to personal success):
1: "The Buck Stops Here" I personally love this one and completely agree. David is taught to take responsibility for his past and therefore his present (and future), by the one and only Mr. Harry Truman.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Block Leave
With that being said we will now be out of town for 2 weeks during block leave! First we'll be visiting family in Oregon. We will be spending our *2nd* anniversary here:
Vocabulary of a 3 year old

Blister & Baby Drama!!!

I suppose you have to understand how our backyard got to this point. When w

Monday, July 27, 2009
Major TV Networks HATE Me. =(

Sunday, July 26, 2009
I Believe...
*2* I Believe... that love isn't boastful; I feel that when people have to run around flashing what they have and talking about their happiness incessantly that they aren't truly satisfied in their relationship. You know the types of people I'm talking about. How completely over-the-top they are. I don't know about you but it doesn't ring true to me. Seems like they are trying to convince themselves they haven't settled or to stay in their current relationship.
*3* I Believe... in family and tradition. People will always come and go from our lives but what I've learned is that family will always be with you. You are born into a family but over the course of your life, you will welcome people to your family; friends, children, wives or/and husbands. These people are precious and you should never take them for granted.
Some of my fondest memories are traditions created with family; Christmases and tree decorating, listening to carols, ect. Big family dinners (when I was 4/5) at Gramma's in NJ... Odd, but most of our traditions are centered around meals/food. Hey, we're Italian- it's what we do! Thankfully, Kevin and I have talked about traditions and have even begun a few of our own: Picnics in the living room and The Nutcracker. I am excited to continue traditions of the family I was born into with the family I've began creating for myself.
*4* I Believe... That you should never make someone a priority when they only make you an option. Enough said.
*5* I Believe... In my husband, his duty, his career as a soldier and the Army. All of us bloggers tend to post about the negatives, the downfalls of this lifestyle. I know that it's difficult to have faith in the Army when it takes people that we love away for a year at a time, when TriCare fails us or when we've been PCSed to the biggest shit-hole imaginable... but it's important to remain faithful. I have to believe that the Army and thusly my husband are working toward something bigger than myself... something I cannot understand; something just completely OVER my head and that at the end of the day everything will work out for the best. I trust in my husbands training and abilities, also that his will to return home to me and our future is unyielding.
Wedding Day Pictures
Today I have been unmotivated to do anything productive, at all. With the exception of reading numerous new blogs. A lot of which are centered around weddings, or at least the wedding was (definitely) an important event with details, pictures and plans having been posted about. I've noticed that having pictures taken away from the wedding location either before or after the ceremony is quite common. Granted Kevin and I have been married going on 2 years, this September... but is it completely ridiculous to have some photos taken of him and I now? I know the hair (for both of us) will be different, as would the location but is it unreasonable to want some great, beautiful pictures of us in that way? I've read that people have had many of these photo shoots days before or after their ceremonies so I wouldn't be the only one to have photos where the bride and groom appear different from the actual day of the ceremony.
What are your thoughts?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Damn You Target!

My First Award
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dear "Qwest":
Yeah, that's right I gangked this line from The Little Rascals (a movie the hubs and I equally adore)! Well, my internet has been screwed up, a.k.a. SLLOOOOOWW for days now and then this morning it completely crapped out; decided it hated me and was not longer going to work. <~ that was me being overly dramatic. I couldn't log on until about 200 PM. Big whoop, right? HA HA All's well that ends well!
Well here's a lil' update from the interview I had on Monday: I suck... I am still unemployed... No one wants me... (evidently I wasn't finished being overly dramatic- haha). Seriously, Cindy (whom I interviewed with) was nice enough to call and tell me that she "enjoyed interviewing with me but that they were hiring someone else" because I suck at life. :) Notice, how the last part was out of the quotes, as she never said it. Well, I still have the "as needed/on-call" type stuff going on with a school district around here and that should start picking up soon, because classes being the first week of August. That, combined with the help I give my Pops (for his real estate business) should give us what we need to get by. It would have just been nice to have something more set in stone, more reliable every month... which is why I haven't taken a commissioned-based job, but I'm sure we'll work it out.
Other than that Kevin and I have been speaking quite a bit this week. He's super home sick (which I don't get because I'm still at home- obviously), and I think growing more nervous because things have been heating up there lately. So far all the conversating hasn't created an issue; we've been getting along VERY well lately! We've mainly been discussing Homecoming plans. I'm just excited to have him in the same house as me.... Sitting on the couch, taking the garbage out (yes, babe, there will be chores ha ha), watching movies/TV, Not eating or sleeping or shopping or driving alone... where as he's wanting to go here and go there and see them and do this and it all just sounds like TOO much excitement for my pretty-low key person to be dealing with. We're still going to Vegas in September and we're tossing around the idea of going to the Ball, in Sept also. I would love to go and have the experience but I just think right now, financially we can do other things with our money. Such as, buy the camera, I've been living without... I mean really it's 2009, I think we're the only people on the planet without a digital camera! So, the Ball is still on the fence- we'll see.... We've also, recently pondered the idea of going to Portland to visit his family AND decided against it. Yes, we talked about it briefly, but when we realized that it'd mean boarding Brody for 2 full weeks we knew it would be out of our budget. =( Earlier this week Kevin's Dad told him that he may not be able to make it to the Homecoming... We were very disappointed to hear this. But we also understand that times are hard everywhere and everyone has their own lives to tend to and maintain. Especially, my FIL , as he is a business owner. So, it makes sense just sad at the same time. We'll have a great homecoming though, that's for sure!!!
I'm wondering, though, do any of you have some really interesting or unique homecoming ideas or stories? I want to make it special for Kevin, but lord help me if I wasn't blessed with a whole lot of creativity!
I gotta roll... I'm gonna hit Target see if they have something I've been looking all over God's green earth for! But I will be blogging again this evening... I got TAGGED for my very first award by Erin at Deployment Woes so I'll have to pay it forward (if you will) later on. <3 tootles.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Another thing, he said!!
"Babe, only 3 more Tuesdays til I'm home."
Awwww.. I heard it you all said it... Collectively! I know its true! Tee hee. Its great to think of the homecoming in those terms! Its funny because I was at WallyWorld the other day (possibly even last week..) with my sis and I asked her if I should start getting some of Kevin's things; deodorant, toothpaste, soda, snacks ect. My practical and logical side took over and I decided to wait. I'll definitely be back to good ol' Wally World at least a dozen times before he gets back... =)
Kevin's funny though... He agreed to hold off seeing the new Harry Potter until he gets home. You see, I had never read the books or watched any of the movies before I had met him. Kevin on the other hand listened to all of the books on tape and had seen all the movies. So we watched them all together he helped me fill in the blanks and understand the STRANGE names! Well, he's having a hell of a time waiting to see it! But toooo bad this time you don't have too long to wait (unlike with The Pink Panther) so you and I will both have to wait! =)
Movie watching is something that I am really looking forward to! There are quite a few movies on the list, that we'll have to watch together. And somehow it keeps growing and growing by the day:
Harry Potter (duh- obviously)
I Love You, Man
Funny People
::funny thing, I come to list the movies and they jump ship (out of my mind), evil bastards! I know there are so many more, grrr!::
There is half a TiVo full of TV to watch: a season of house, 1 and half seasons of Burn Notice, Raising the Bar and Royal Pains.
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Call: Just a few minutes ago I received a call from the FRG (PS: I gave up my title as POC) letting me know that we're going to have our next meeting on August 8th. Actually, this isn't just our next meeting but our LAST before the guys get home! =) Woooo hoo. We'll be making some welcome home signs and putting together packages/"survival kits" for our returning single joes.
I am so excited for Kevin's homecoming. I know that I've blogged about all of our hard times and how nervous I am about his return... but at this point I am just excited! I can't wait for him to just be here and sit next to me on the couch, play with the dog, helping with the dishes or other chores. I am looking most forward to the general loneliness that has made itself all too comfortable in my life going away. PEACE OUT... =)
The Interview: My new buddy, Lauren gave me a heads up that her job was hiring last week so I faxed over my resume and was called for an interview. I went this morning and thankfully this was a great and very easy interview. The only real question that she actually asked was what were my 3 strengths and weaknesses. I think it went well and that she liked me. She did tell me that I was 1 of 4 and that she wants someone in the position ASAP. So we should know very soon. =)
I'm ready for a nap... I should go to the gym but I think I'll balance our checkbook and then go for some groceries.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Strange, Sad turn of events...
So here we are just a short 22 hours later and by some convoluted turn of events Kaitlyn is no longer my friend. =( Nothing like that to make you feel like shit huh? She told me that we are too different, that she has never had to work so hard at a friendship before and that our friendship isn't one that is built to last. Huh... again nothing like someone telling you that you don't matter enough to look passed your differences and some misunderstandings, right? Basically... I suck at life and am not worthy of friendship. Swell- it's lovely to be me. Sucks, because I still have the balloons and card that I bought for her birthday.
All that this really means for you is that there wont be any pictures from my last two days of concerts. =( I'm sorry.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Keith Urban on the other hand... while he is pretty to look at, he wasn't so great- honestly it was very disappointing. I knew only 2 of his songs and one of them was as we were walking out. We didn't stay the entire time. That also had to do with the drunken broads next to me who were screaming nonsense (not regular concert singing- more along the lines of belligerent-drunken-ness), dancing and bumping into EVERYONE around them, CONSTANTLY coming and going because they had to pee; Beer often has that effect on people. DUH.
Now to the good part: at one point everyone about two feet away was on the floor with their cell phone pointing toward the floor, obviously looking for something... I lean over to the very nice blond lady who filled in after the tall-pot-smoking man left and ask her what's going on. She said that they were all looking for a guitar pick and just then the stage lights came up and I look over to see the pick on the ground! I reached down and grabbed it in a very nonchalant fashion and stuck that lil' treasure right in my bra! That's right... it's the safest place I could think of! ha ha
If you aren't familiar they sing "Citizen Soldier" and "Here Without You"... they made big shout outs to the military and we went all buck-wild crazy. Its always really nice when the people who fight and their amazing families get some recognition. =)So Kaitlyn and I had a fantastic time at 3 Doors Down for her Birthday- a big thanks to her hubby for buying the tickets.
Sorry for the lack of pictures people. But they are coming soon. Kaitlyn will be emailing me hers soon and then I'll get them up!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
OH the drama...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dear Anonymous
Anonymous said...
A friend of mine started smoking in the Marines because you couldn't ever take a break unless it was a smoke break. He's dead of lung cancer now at an early age.
If the military could literally force people to smoke, it ought to be able to ban smoking.
I'm confused... Who are you? Introduce yourself please. Secondly I doubt the Marines (or the military in general) forced anyone to smoke. We all have free will. If your friend chose to smoke in order to receive additional breaks that is still a choice that they made, sadly.
In other news... I'm sun burnt on the tip of my nose- like a friggin' Rudolph! HAhaahaHa! And got a hair cut today. Tomorrow: I'm getting a free initial visit with a local Chiropractor... that should be fun. "They" say it's good for you. So we'll give it a whirl. Then tomorrow night I'm going to see Sugarland and Keith Urban concert in Denver, at the Pepsi Center. This should be good times. =) THEN on Thursday I'm going to see 3 Doors Down with Kaitlyn in Denver at Fiddlers Green... WOOOO HOO I miss Denver.
PS: I miss my hubby too. With all of these trips to Denver coming up I'm missing my hubby!! We had some great times there. Maybe we could swing something when he gets back. =) It's close but will also be good times... I miss you husband!
BECCA (Mrs. GI Joe), please don't hate me. I've attempted SOOoo many times to leave comments on your blog but the damn thing wont let me! It never shows the text box for the word key thingy... I just wanted you to know that I still read your blog and do care! ;) Keep up the running!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Don't Judge Me
So here's the deal: We are 10 months and 10 days into a deployment. A deployment that has been anything less than customary... in terms of what a "standard" deployment usually is. I have eluded to some of the issues that Kevin and I have experienced throughout the course our time apart but I haven't spelled out the details because, just as I wasn't placed on this planet for others to judge, I also wasn't placed here to hurt my hubby. But thankfully I think that we have recently turned a corner and the remainder (approx 35-39 days) of the deployment will be much smoother sailing.
Our main issue has been my independence and the expectations I've had of what our deployment should have been. I am not a person who needs a lot of reassurance to know that things are ok. Kevin is not the same way as me in this aspect. In plain English: he's called me a lot. At times it has been out of hand. When Kevin left I wanted to hear from him all the time to know that he was ok. Once we got into the groove of what this deployment was going to be like things shifted. Kevin wasn't constantly out on missions or in highly dangerous regions. Because there weren't many missions being conducted there wasn't a lot of work for Kevin and his fellow mechanics to be doing... repairs weren't required as often as you would think when vehicles weren't being used for constant missions. Which created a lot of free time for my husband. The phone calls came more and more often. At first this didn't bother me. Then Kevin got internet in his "room" so we were constantly chatting online and over webcam. Out of my own sense of obligation and support for Kevin I felt like I had to sit there all day infront of the cam and provide him the reassurance that he required. This became a chore. This is no way to live. Yes, our husband's leave and unfortunately they aren't just gone for a long weekend or a cozy vacation somewhere both warm and comfortable. No- conversely they are in the scorching heat, on cots, carrying more weight on their backs (figuratively and literally) than I could personally handle, without any creature comforts of home and all the while yearning for the some ounce of normalcy from home. While on the home front, life MUST go on. That doesn't happen when you're sitting on the couch all day, constantly being questioned about "where'd you go"... well you see what had happened was.. "I went to pee" "I had to let the dog out" "I needed a drink". Let me just say before you assume that my husband is some controlling bastard he was purely curious. Well all of this snowballed into serious frustration, resentment and attitude on my part. Also and Kevin has admitted that his calls and time spent on the internet had gotten a little over the top. After arguments and beating myself up over (actually) NOT wanting my husband to call me so much... I finally spit it out "I need you to back off. No one is good to anyone else, unless they are taking care of themselves first and I haven't been able to do that.. I need you to not call me so often anymore." YES- I did actually say this out loud to my husband. Because guess what? He's not the only one going through and emotionally dealing with a deployment right now. It directly effects the way I lead my day to day life... and leading this life is exponentially more difficult to get through when answering the phone is no longer exciting, but now a hassle and a chore. Honestly, it got to the point where I felt I couldn't leave the house so that I could be available for his (constant) calls.
So let me add this up for everyone: Kevin=slightly needy(I love you babe) and calling constantly! Sam=extremely independent; not needy; with expectations of rarely hearing from my husband and thus completely blindsided by all of the opportunity. KEVIN+SAM=BAD BUSINESS under these circumstances. As I said, though, we have turned a corner and are facing only better days.
I still do not appreciate those who have not been in my shoes and who cannot fathom what I've been through judging my choice to ask that my husband not call me as much as he had; to dial it back from "needy little bitch" (loving term between the two of us, ha haaha) to something more manageable which would still allow for me to maintain some sense of normalcy. To those who currently pass judgement: You don't know me. You don't have the faintest clue what I've been through. So I'd prefer you shut your mouth, at least until you've been where I am or have at the very least heard me out and attempted to understand. Shame on you, for denying me any say in what works for my marriage under unimaginable circumstances. May I also add, bite me. (:
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Smoking Ban

Saturday, July 11, 2009
What?? Why??

( ring (:..)
Friday, July 10, 2009
What I'm doing
B-Birth date: May 1st, 1985
C-Chore you hate: Empting the diswasher- I dispies the thing- never use it.
D-Dog's name: Brody
E-Enter or Exit: Enter
F-Favorite color: Changes by the day, moment.. I'll go with "green" now though.
G-Gold or silver: Silver
H-Hair color: Brownish-red
I-Instrument: Tuba
J-Job Title: ~> <~ yea, that sums it up.
K-Kids: 0
L-Living arrangements: (1) Two Bdrm, Two-and-a-half bath Town home, with almost 2-year-old Golden Retriever, (1) wife, and (1) semi-absent husband.
M-Monkey or Moose: Moose
N-Nicknames: Sam, Sammy...
O-Odd thing about you: I'm super paranoid. It's unsettling.
P-Pet Peeve: Repeating myself.
Q-Quote from a movie: "No one cares." "You're only allowed three great women in your lifetime. They come along like the great fighters, every ten years. Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Robinson, Joe Louis. Sometimes you get'em all at once. Me? I had my three when i was 16. That happens." "The saddest thing in life is wasted talent." -A Bronx Tale.
R-Right/Left Handed: Right
S-Siblings: (1) sister: Katie Jo
T-Time you wake up? 8AM, give or take 10-15 minutes.
U-Underwear: yes.
V-Veggie you dislike: Green Beans, Broccoli
W-What makes you run late: Traffic
X-X-Rays: Teeth, chest
Y-Yummy food you make: My new specialty is grilled pizza!
Z-Zoo Animal: giraffe
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
40-some-odd Days Left... maybe? kinda-sorta? give or take
I think one more mention of Michael Jackson and I might hurt myself! I went to the gym today and could only manage to stay a whopping 13 minutes then I had to leave... everywhere I looked, on every TV there was coverage of his "funeral" / "viewing" at the Staples Center in LA. I was disgusted by the entire fiasco! It's all so ridiculous. Okay, I give the guy his talent, abilities, and the fact that he did change music in huge ways- mainly the dancing and videos. These are not small accomplishments and should be mentioned. But for goodness sake this full-day coverage is over doing it just a bit, isn't it? The last time we saw something like this was when Reagan died... and then thinking back to Princess Dianna's death it's all very reminiscent. Then to put Michael Jackson in the same category as former President Reagan and Princess Dianna is completely absurd and more than insulting to both of their memories!! He was a musician for Christs sake, and hasn't been a good one at that for 10 years or something? What will we really remember about him? Not what he brought to music and how he managed to change it- well not initially anyway. Rather, he'll be remember for his more than strange behavior; dangling babies, face masks, born black & dying white... he'll be remembered not for being amazing, changing the world, helping others or even being a great leader- Nope, he'll be remembered for being a child molester and complete weirdo. And hell, who better to waste a days full of broadcasting on and forcing me to be completely disappointed and pissed off about missing General Hospital- amongst other things!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The stuff....
Tomorrow I'll have to run errands, hit the gym and I have tentative plans to go to the pool on post with my sister and Nathan. I wonder if there's time to do it all? We shall see. Tootle-lou people time to relax!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Clarification.... 40 Days Left

41 Days...
In all seriousness after receiving some input from others on this issue my wanting to wait has more to do with the financial responsibility that comes with raising children and babies. I have blogged before about the financial stress we are going to be under when Kevin gets home and that is with just the two of us. Add on the costs of formula, diapers, clothes, shoes, toys, crib, bouncer, bibs, blankets, more clothes, more diapers, dresser, changing table, more clothes, more diapers, swing, high chair, teething rings, infant Motrin, infant Tylenol, BOTTLES, more diapers, more clothes and teething rings I'd be willing to wager a bet that we'd be somewhere in the neighborhood of up-side-down, in the hole, credit-ruined, car re-po'ed... basically it would be seriously BAD business. I can agree with those of you who have said that you are never 100% ready for baby... but to intentionally work at having them and bringing them into a tough financial situation is just irresponsible and ridiculously unfair. Right? I know that tough times will come with or without babies/kids but with where we are and what we foresee coming (if I don't find a job before Kevin redeploys) it just isn't right to pursue this now. No matter how much we may want babies now. Right???
Other than the baby-having issue I have an interview for a secretary position at the elementary school on post tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully that works out. If not I do have something else in the works. While far less glamorous I have to take what I can get. Within reason of course, I can't be out on the corner for a few bucks!!
Hope you all had a great weekend and a blessed holiday! (:
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Marines, Afghanistan and the 4th of July.

Lets take a look at how the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, 1st Battalion 5th Marines, spent their 4th of July in Afghanistan today. Check out the story here. I'm not sure about you folks out there but I can speak for myself... I definitely did not spend today carrying 50-100 lbs on my back, for the third day in a row, in 100+ temperatures! Makes me thankful and grateful for my freedoms, and whole-heartedly appreciative for those who unselfishly give themselves to securing our way of life.
Now I'm off to bed... so what it's early? I'm friggin' exhausted!
Nighty Night & Sweet Dreams.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
42 Days Left...
Who's attending or hosting BBQ's?? Anyone baking Apple Pie? That's supposed to be a great American past time, right? Well, American Pie said so, so that has to make it true right?
Today I am irritated! GRrr...
1) I haven't slept for shit the last week!!! WHY O WHY??? I think it's time to start bonding with my BFF, Tylenol PM again! I can't take this crap no more! I'm tired as hell but can't seem to fall into that blissful and favorite place of unconsciousness! =( I miss it... awww... NEXT
2) I was trying to talk to Kevin this morning but it was like a sign from God... When he called from the MWR the connection sucked... you know how that goes when you catch every other syllable. BOO, then I get my not-ready-to-be-awake self up, and out of bed downstairs to webchat with him and what happens?? My internet kept cutting out! Qwest is pissing me off! Booo...
3) I am teetering on this lil' teensy tiny line between going to the gym (because I feel like a big fatty-boom-ba-latty today), thanks to the bender I had with Kaitlynn last night!! But on the other hand I can't seem to keep my eyes open. Seriously throughout the course of writing this blog I think I have started and stopped and started again (bc my eyes have just closed themselves) like 6 times!
So basically the lack of sleep is making me ridiculously bitchy... creating an extremely short fuse! I think that decides it then- BACK TO BED! But.... But... I sorta wanna enjoy the beautiful weather. Booo, this sucks.
I miss you...

I am fairly certain this is the CHEAPEST way to put on a buzz people! Invest it's good times. But please... Please under NO circumstances tell my Granny. She's be highly offended that I was bothering to drink "wine" from a "box"-- of all things. {insert disgusted look, here} I love my granny but hell, I just can't hang with her Chianti. Oiy.. join the new school Granny... Shiraz. Zinfandel. Blushes in general are just easier to drink... but sadly not as hearty as a good Pinot Noir. I digress....
I must force myself to focus on the topic at hand. The title of this blog:
Dear Husband,
God, I miss you. Tonight I miss you so much my heart aches.
Really, people I intended on writing some thing that would tug at the heart strings at the most cynical of all of us... but really that's all I got. I suppose, the only other thing I could honestly add to my "heart aching" is that I am sorry. I'm sorry that for the past year it's been easier (for me) to concentrate on what you were doing wrong than to admit how much I missed you. I am sorry that it's been easier to demand space and explain why that was better for me than to embrace the blessing you gave me every night and every morning; you allowed me to sleep soundly and begin my days without fear. Without fear that while I was muddling through the mundane bullshit of my days you survived another night in the desert, this was the gift in the phone call that began (just about) every day of (almost) the last year. You allowed me to sleep peacefully being confident that you had, yet again, completed another horribly, unimaginable day in the summer heat of the Middle East. Thank you. These were gifts. I took them for granted and that is not fair. You and I have talked before about how easy it is for people (anyone, and all of us) to call home (or a friend) and bitch about the negative in our lives, but conversely, we hardly call people to say "Hey, I survived the day. While uneventful and fairly boring it wasn't bad. I have nothing to complain about." Somehow this part of my excuse in demanding space. Demanding "emotional distance." Distance makes the heart grow fonder. I'm not retracting my earlier statement that for me the emotional distance is what forces a heart to grow fonder. For me that is true. But under these just unimaginable, agonizing, heartbreaking circumstances I am thankful for all the phone calls. I am thankful for the peaceful nights' rest and the assured ways I've begun my days and your phone calls which provided both.
I miss you.
43 Days Left...
So the baby subject is still swirling around in my head and in conversation with my hubby. If you haven't checked out his blog go see what he had to say on the subject (link to the left). I think he is right, we'll see what happens when he gets home. Other than that we're on opposite sides of the issue but I know that one day we'll procreate! =) I completely see where my husband is coming from and respect his position. One day it will happen, I just don't "see" it happening any foreseeable days. ha haa I laugh because of all the "seeing" going on not laughing at the issue.
Heads up for everyone for tomorrow: Ben and Jerry's is having Buy 1, Get 1 sundaes; Diary Queen is having Buy 1, Get 1 Blizzards and Bath and Body works is giving away a free foaming hand sanitizer with any purchase! So have a fantastic 4th of July everyone! Any good plans??
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Grilled Pizzas (44 Days)
Other than that lately I have really been mulling over the whole procreating decision... It's a huge decision to make. Lately I've been excited and anxious about the idea. I'm afraid that I've been just swept up in the excitement swirling around, with my sister's IVF. All the family has been talking about is baby names, how many babies she'll have, boys versus girls, ect ect. Lets just pretend for the sake of argument that I am ready to birth some spawn. It's really not practical for where Kevin and I are right now, to be having children. It wouldn't be fair to us or our perspective "spawn". Doesn't change the fact that we want them. We have more than some but is it enough?
PS: I say "spawn" with all the love and affection in the world people. I am not some evil wench who resents kids. =) just FYI for those of you who really don't know me or my sense of humor that well.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
T-minus 45 Days
But I don't wanna- lol! Yesterday I had Kaitlyn and Korben over for dinner. I made this asian-type "salad" that I found in some magazine at the dentist' office. Yes, I'm that person... the evil broad who tears out the pages I want! Get over it... Any who the recipe in the mag calls for spinach, imitation crab meat, edamame, seedless cucumbers, rice, shaved carrots and radishes. Well I changed it, because I hate imitation anything-meat and spinach. I substituted Romaine Lettus for the Spinach, and I marinated 2 chicken breasts in Sesame Ginger dressing and pan fried it sliced all my veggies mixed it together and viola! Kaitlyn said overall she dug it but I am still on the fence. ha ha The cucumber really kind of ruined it for me. Next time that will not be included. I think maybe some lime juice would be good to balance everything. Sometimes a lil' citrus is necessary!!! We'll see. Oh.. and like an A-hole I forgot the carrots. Oh well. ha ha
Tonight after my excessive errands I am cooking grilled pizzas for Lauren and I! Maybe it's not obvious by now but I love the FOOD Network so I've been picking and choosing some new things to try. This grilled pizza craze is very interesting to me. We'll see how it works out. If I'm going to have Lauren here and be grilling I guess I'll have to find time to pick up some dog poop! GREAT! SWELL! I must go now ladies. Tootle-lou!