I know that I'm not the only blogger or person on the planet inspired to reflect today. Please bare with me while I take a look back at the past year:
Jan 2009: I began this year with my husband, actually! Kevin arrived home 29 Dec 2008 for R&R. This was a huge surprise for me. I made Kevin tell me when he made it to Kuwait. Beyond that I had no idea when I would hear form him again! This was a huge feet for Kevin. He kind of, basically, sucks at keeping any kind of secret. So, for him to keep such a big one filled with so much surprise and excitement was great for him! Thankfully I was able to ring in 2009 (although, in not so much style- there was a lot of sleeping going on, hahaha) with my man!
Feb 2009: I started my lovely blog! My husband was back in Iraq with a long 8 months still ahead. My neighbor deployed to Iraq. :(
"This is the nature of the "beast". This beast being of course the Army. This is my life. I married a soldier, a career soldier. I chose to be where I am. Standing strong and proud, next to, behind, and always faithful to my soldier...."
A quote from my first ever blog- one of my favs. Check it out!
FEATURED FAVS: My thoughts on Distance/Deployments and Fear in his eyes.
March 2009: Brought birthdays: My Hubs (on St. Patty's day) and my Ma! With some important people in my life aging one year more, March also brought about the half-way mark to a 12 month deployment! Wooop Woop. I'll take halfway over just starting anyday!
I also took a more active role in the FRG, which brought about a new friendship. I also embraced the power of POSITIVITY! Our First Lady stepped out and announced she would be an advocate for military families everywhere, KUDOS!
Kevin met up with our neighbor in Baghdad! Thankfully, she had her camera and snapped a picture- one of the only ones I have from my husband's deployment! We love Nikki! :) March also brought my first dose of drama in blog-land. Well, I brought it upon myself. That's ok with me though, it wasn't the first time...
April 2009: I reached a whopping 10 followers! Woop Wooop! I watched Taking Chance for the first time with a fellow army wife. Sorta not smart- while you're soldier is deployed. My husband did the SWEETEST thing! My second dose of blogger drama ensued. OIy... Lets just say it wouldn't be wise to refer to a Marine as a "soldier". It appears Guardsmen, reservists, airmen are still on the fence. Call them soldier, Navy Seal, Marine... whatevs. They apparently have no preference. You learn something new everyday huh? GASP! The drama motivated me to lose my mind/cancel blog for a SHORT period of time! I know it's awful. All's well that ends well! I'm back and here to stay. A friend reminded me of who I am and that just because people are nasty to you, tell lies and attempt to destroy you they can go f%3k themselves because I'm here to stay! If you don't like it MOVE ON!
Most important event of April 2009: I saw Twilight and was officially sucked into the nonsense!!! lol
May 2009: Began (literally on the 1st... pencil it in- buy me stuff) with a celebration of my birth! :) I reached a weight loss goal! Oprah looked absolutely awful on TV! Military Spouse Appreciation Day ( May 8th). Finally discussed my wedding/ honeymoon with a few pictures with my lovely followers! I complained about the chow my husband was being fed in Basra. KBR passed the buck.
MOST IMPORTANT event of May: PINKBERRY.... Vaca to San Deigo!
Man- May was a Big deal! :)
June 2009: Brought sadness with the passing of Kevin's Gramma. Unfortunately Kevin was not granted emergency leave to come home for the funeral. I discovered a VERY important reason why deployments SUCK! June also brought free tequila... "huh," you ask? Mr. Justin Timberlake has his own brand of tequila and after I left a message to their webmaster trying to find out where I could get Kevin a bottle I received this response:
You tell me when and where to send it and we'll do everything possible to get him a bottle. In addition, tell him we are eternally grateful to you, your family and of course him for his service.
Kevin Ruder
President 901 Tequila
By June 16th I'd finished reading the entire Twilight series. I told you I was sucked into the nonsense in May. lol
MOST IMPORTANT EVENT: Levi, my brother-in-law deployed on his 4th deployment, this one to A-stan. :(
FEATURED FAV: The Low Down. Confidence.
July 2009: Found out my sister's round of IVF was successful and I was going to be an Aunt again!!! Woo HOO! I reminded the world I wasn't put on the planet for you to judge. Went to 2 concerts in 2 days and somehow managed to lose a friend. :( Some of you may remember this. While I still can't quite wrap my mind around why this happened I can't fix or change it. I wish her well still, and at times miss her and her family. While I wish it could be different it's not up to me to mend. With that July came and went.
August 2009: Only thing that matters: MY HUSBAND CAME HOME!!!!!!!
While the return of my husband was definitely most important, I can't look back at August without mentioning the birth of "I WANT IT WEDNESDAY".
Sept 2009: Brought on many travels for us! Portland, Jersey and Vegas! We also celebrated our 2 year anniversary! This was our first anniversary together, as Kevin deployed only 13 days before our first anniversary.
I love him.
The fall of 2009: We discovered my sister was having a baby girl. Then we discovered during a 3d ultrasound my sister wasn't having a girl but baby boy #2! I made peace with the name Caden. Spent a holiday season with my Husband. I'm a lucky girl.
I have to highlight these two blogs, I'd love it if you checked them out: ME. I Believe.
OK- I know that was a long post readers. Please check out some of links. Especially some of my newer followers. These posts will give you some insight as to what I'm all about as a person and blogger.
May you all have a happy, healthy and safe New Year!