I am a person, who believes very strongly in family! I believe you should never openly (more specifically on social networking sites) put your family down. Busting your husband, sister, brother, mother, cousin, nephew ect,out on Facebook isn't cool. It's simply unnecessary and immature. What bugs me even more are the passive aggressive Status updates/Tweets. Just come out with it... hell if you insist on airing your dirty laundry at least do it in a way that everyone reading can actually understand.
I digress.
I can't control other people or what they choose to put out into the universe.
All that I know is that family is precious. I have learned that people, even sometimes the BEST and greatest of friends let you down or dump you.* I know it, you know it, we've all experienced it. The way I was raised,
family is forever. Whether you like them or not, or even love them today or not, simply does not matter. You always have their backs and know that no matter what they will be there for you.
It saddens me when I see things on Facebook from members of my family that diminish their relationships within the family. I will never understand this? If you really have that little respect for your ______ (whatever: husband, sister, brother, mother, cousin, nephew ect) you should (in my humble little opinion) figure out what is broken within your situation and fix it. I am a reasonable person, people. I know that life is not this black and white. I know that all things cannot just be fixed, just-like-that.
I am also a person that believes very strongly in respect. If you no longer love or respect your _____ (whatever) than respect and honor what you once loved and respected about that person. What was once good about it.
Sorry for being "preachy" today. I had to get this off my chest though!
*this post is not meat to, in anyway diminish the GREATEST and BEST of friendships, so don't take it that way.
Something else I MUST add, since I'm bitching about social networking sites is WHY, WHY do people Tag themselves in YOUR pictures? Does this bother anyone else BUT me? C'mon... seriously, I know it can't be just me. Now in the big scheme of things, is this a big deal? Absolutely not, but it does aggravate me!