Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Want it Wednesday...

I am, yet again, wanting.... a friggin sponsor!!!
I've been told I could mail myself packages in Germany... yet I don't know how! Grrrr. I'll be checking on the status of our sponsor (again) today.

I want.... our flight with Brody to go smoothly, tomorrow. I'm so nervous to travel with Brody. I'm worried that upon our arrival to the airport at 5AM that the airline will give us problems and everything'll go to hell-in-a-handbag, quick-fast and in a hurry! I think that comes from, having never traveled with a pet before. Lets stay positive-- everything will go SMOOTH!

I want... to share my hair ideas with everyone for tomorrow night. We're flying to San Diego in the AM. This trip has a duel purpose. We're taking our beloved Brody to live with my Mother and Father-in-law, we're also be present for an award dinner since my FIL is receiving an award (obviously, right? haaaha) Remember last week I told you about my adventures to find a suitable dress? Well I found one and still can't find a picture of it to share with you all. But all the same, here's my hair idea:


Yes, they're basically the same, the Brunette is more curly, which I think I like better but my hair doesn't hold a curl for shit so it'll probably wind up like the Blonde (Kate Hudson). I'm good with either one. what do you think? I need something simple to do on my own... let me know if you have any easy ideas!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I have more questions. Why do people insist on being so damn fake on Facebook? Seriously... are we all so self-absorbed to think that we have to put on a huge show for other people; that they care so much about what we're up to we have to make it a 1000 times better than it actually is? Why to some people put on such a show for others? Just be yourself, and if people can't except you for who and what you are then forget them; they don't matter anyway.

I'm just wondering.... because basically I don't like fake people who are all showy. It rubs me wrong.

I have questions

So I have some questions, for anyone who may have helpful information. I'm wondering how the world works without Wal-mart. Seriously, do I buy everything I need, from towels to ground beef, string cheese to contact solution, and tooth brush heads to toilet brush and other groceries at the Commissary and PX? Where do I get contacts? Why do I suck so bad at the Twitter- I'm a horrible tweeter. I have the app on my iPhone I should be connected at all times. But lord.... I suck. But is it worse to Tweet about things no one cares about or to not tweet at all?

In other news, we found a renter for our house. This is a huge load off but not what I was holding out for. I really wanted someone to buy our house so that I didn't have to ever worry about it again. All the same, this is a great outcome and we're so excited to have that off our backs.

I also must say I really do not enjoy living in a battle-ground state this election season... these political commercials are really working my nerves. I'd venture to say about 15% of what's on there is truthful and the other 85% is all complete BS! I'm sick of it.. .and the way this is going I'm happy that I'll be living in another country after this election.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Haps...

Hold on to your panties ladies... there's been a lot going on and there's only more to come!!
Things I've accomplished recently:
Picked up my previously received incorrect, but now fixed passport on Post.
Finalized our flights with the Travel Agency on post.
Took Brody to the Vet for his Health Certificate so he can fly next Thursday.
Baked my first homemade apple pie! I <3 HMB! it was so simple and delicious!
Pick up Kevin's Class A pants at the tailor, dropped his pants and jacket off at the dry cleaners.
Went to 9 stores and found a dress for my FIL's award dinner next week in San Diego. I was going to show you the picture but.... can't find it online. boo.
I've dealt with two banks (unsuccessfully) to get the car we can't take with us squared away... nada. Tomorrow I speak to the folks at Army Emergency Relief Fund (AER) to see if there's anything they can do to help. Keep your fingers crossed!

In other news, because it's nothing I personally accomplished our property manager has yet to rent our house, she's going to be told to kick rocks ASAP. On the other hand a couple who is interested in purchasing our home is looking at it for the second time tonight! I'm really hoping they go for it! That is still the ideal solution for us... I, truly and honestly have no desire to be a landlord.
Go check out Lola's bloggy for your choices in this month's edition of L+S's Cupcake club! They're great choices people! Get to it and you'll be linking up by the 30th on Lola's blog this month and until I've gotten settled in Germany.

Coming up I have to:
Pick up Kevin's Class A's at the dry cleaner.
Clean the house and laundry.
UFC this weekend.
Pick up bolts for Brody's Kennel- so it's airline friendly.
We head to San Diego EARLY next Thursday, a week from today.
Complete paperwork for the house- in the event it should sale.
Mow the lawn.
Bake another Apple Pie-- My mother wants some now! haa
Finish a book and start a new one!

I think that's it. Jeeesh I'm exhausted just thinking about it but I'm thankful for the momentum.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I miss...

Our bed. I miss my 800 thread count sheets, and all my pillows. 13 pillows in total live in my bed. 6 find their way onto the floor as we get settled in for the evening. I require 3 at a minimum. I'm kind of a pillow snob. Now you know. But I miss our bed terribly. My back aches and I don't sleep that great now that it's gone. Can't wait to have it back. 

Yes, I know there is a copyright on this picture, that's because it's from the MLS on my house. I can't find any others. 
*Edit: 5 of my 13 pillows are "throw" or "show" pillows... just fyi! HA! 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Guilt and shizzle

I'm excited to move. Well, I was anyway. I excited to get there, get settled into a routine, and not be depressed. When we first found out that we were going to Germany it was all excitement and "HOLY CRAP! We get to travel Europe!" but now it's Holy Crap I wont be here to see my youngest nephew, Logan start talking or walking. I won't be here to see Nathan start Basketball. I'm leaving just before Christmas. Logan's first Christmas.

The list of things I'm going to miss and not be apart of is never ending. Yesterday my husband got my our tickets to Germany booked, so I tell my mom and sister "we're leaving the US on December 8th." They both pout and say they don't like that at all. Then my friends.... GAH! I am leaving so much behind.

What do you do with the guilt of  knowing you're leaving behind people who love you and want you around?

Don't get me wrong... I'm still excited to go to Europe and travel and experience all the great things it has to offer. But for now the sadness and guilt is settling in.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What a day!

Have you heard of Regis and Kelly? Well if you don't then that's cool because I have! Well, today I got a wild hair up my butt and decided to enter their Girls Night Out Vegas Getaway.
Never in a bizzilion years thought they'd care about my all too common entry; I never win anything. Well, within an hour an inter called me! I freaked out... but you know, played it all to cool. Basically she requested I send her additional pictures. So I did! We'll see where it goes!

My husband got our tickets today. We're officially leaving US soil on December 8th. The passport issue is currently being rectified and should be returned no later than November 10th, God willing. Hopefully things go smoothly.... hopefully!

We're booking our trips to visit family prior to leaving. Things are coming together.

Still no word from our sponsor though. Anything I absolutely need to know that my sponsor would normally tell me?? Do share.

OOO, the biggest news of today was Whoopi and Joy walking out on Mr. Bill O'Reilly! ooO-wee! It was great TV people! I couldn't believe Bill said Muslims kills us.... wow.. what a Pinhead.

Watch all the drama here!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Want it Wednesday...

Just heads up this is going to be a bitchy version of I want it Wednesday. Feel free to stop reading now if you'd like, I promise, I won't be offended.

I want... to know why the miners that found themselves trapped in Chile are "heros"? I'm not seeing what part of their ordeal makes them heroic? Don't get me wrong, my heart goes out to them and their families. I think that they've come through quite the ordeal and I'm so glad and grateful to hear the news reporting that so far everyone is doing well according to the Minister of Health. There are concerns of long-term effects such as claustrophobia, nightmares and anxiety which they'll have to keep an eye out for. But I still don't see how any of this makes them Heros?

PS: the guy who invited his mistress is hilarious!

I want... to know WHY my passport was processed wrong. It was received back on post today but it's wrong-o. It's supposed to be Blue but it's NOT. Swell. We'll find out soon what has to be done to get a new one. I hope it'll be rectified in a timely fashion so that I can still travel with Kevin on-schedule.

I want... some juice. I'm thirsty.

I really want... to have a house when we get to Germany so that we'll be able to celebrate Christmas and New Years like semi-normal people.

I want... my husband to stop being effin-cranky! I'm tired of it.

sorry for today's cranky edition of I Want it Wednesday.... it is what it is. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wanna Share...

I was so excited that on a weekend trip to Wally-World to find this:
This is reason number 4 I LOVE Fall/Winter! You may assume I put this in coffee. But noooo! I prefer it in my tea. It's delish! It's perfect day for a roast in the crock pot and hot tea; right now it's 47 degrees with a projected high of 53! <3

Reason number 1 why I hate being a girl: Cramps. Nuf said. 

A while back I was selected as a winner of a free photo shoot from Allie. Here's a few of my favs:

I'm a lucky girl. My hubs is a hottie and he still loves me even though I'm squishy. <3

There's much more to share about our move... we're finalizing our plans. Looks like we'll be heading out of the states after some traveling about visiting family, on December 7th. That feeling of "holy-crap-I'm-moving-across-the-planet-and-leaving-my-family-and-nephews," is settling in. It'll be ok though... right? 

I also have to share how the hubs and I spent our Columbus Day: We went to the movies. It's not that lame. We paid for Social Network (really good, btw) and stayed for The Town (awesome). Judge me if you must but movies are damn expensive these days... I feel after seeing two we got our monies worth. PS: Both are very much worth seeing and paying for. Maybe I should repent...?

Thursday, October 7, 2010


It's been a week and 4 days since my house was packed up and loaded onto a truck and shipped away. I'm now without my favorite things; getting by with suitcases full of clothes and some toiletries. Seeing the house empty and moving on out was not a huge blow for me. It hit Kevin a bit harder. I love our place it's a great home... but I was never overly attached to it, you know? So we left our house and went to stay with my Dad. The plan was to be there until the end of Oct/beginning of Nov, then come to my mothers. Well, my dads dog (the dog our family had when I was in Middle and High School) is old, crotchety, and stuck in his ways. He was not a fan of my Brody! Then Monday AM he and my Dad's other dog attacked Brody twice within a minute. Brody's ok... a little bumped up but all-in-all he's ok, I think. I have to keep an eye on his eye... (haha) it's been blood shot since the attacks. Since that went down we knew we had to leave. So I packed, moved and unpacked all of our stuff twice within the span of one week. I'm exhausted.

Thankfully, we're settling into my mom's house. Brody is much happier here. I'm grateful to have both my parents here and to have options where I lay my head. It's not the same though. I wish I had my own home back, my own things. This kind of sucks. The sad part is I have no idea when it'll be any better. We finally received the amendment to Kevin's orders, which have my name on them. His orders also state that we're authorized "private rental housing." I got in touch with the housing office at Baumholder to verify that so we could start looking into our options out there. This guy was NO help what-so-ever. He just said that everyone E6 and below SHOULD be on post.... Yes our orders state otherwise- can you please clarify.... and NADA. So I'm still not sure whether we're be on or off post!

A perfect example of my distress: Today I went shopping with LB and we hit the Yankee Candle store. It's fall and there's plenty of great fall options! I really wanted to stock up with some great options... but then I remembered I have no end tables or dressers on which to put these candles! ={

I can't want to be settled into my space, be it on or off-post!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Want it Wednesday...

On this lovely, cool and crisp day with dare I say virtually Fallish weather I want....

I want... German Pretzels. I saw on a fellow blog of someone currently residing in Germany, said that they attended a Pretzel Festival. I'm not sure there is anything greater on the planet. 
I want... to lose weight. I believe I've convinced my sister to venture out into this weight loss world with me. Hopefully we can motivate each other and find away to be successful!

I want... to attend the dueling rallies in Washington DC on October 30th.
If you don't know Jon Stewart is trying to Restore Sanity and Stephen Colbert is trying to Keep the Fear Alive. Check it out. Now you know.

I want.... my bed back. ={

Monday, October 4, 2010

Back on the saddle

So I'm back people. I finally have the time to sit and blog. It's currently 5AM. Just crazy! I'm never up at 5AM. Even when I was working I was never up at 5AM.

Lets recap the last few weeks. 30 Days of me was a complete FAIL! It was definitely a fun idea and fun participating up through day 9. Then life kicked in.... I trained my replacement at work (another Army wife). Had my last day at work. Baked Sep addition of L+S's CupCake club with Nathan by my side! (see  more below) Packers came. Loader's came. House is empty. Carpets are clean and the house is ready for a renter! Holler if you're moving to the Fort Carson/Peterson AFB/Colorado Springs area! We're now at my Father's house, finally just finished un-packing yesterday. 
It other news Nathan turned 4!! It's such a big boy... time really does fly. I have to run... but Marble Cupcakes were a huge success! 

No Caption necessary!

So far going pretty well.

Success! I did add store bough choc icing to half!

Nathan saw the Cocoa powder and insisted on trying it....
YUCKY! Auntie told you baby... now maybe you'll listen!