Saturday, July 31, 2010


"Happiness is not in our circumstance but in ourselves.
It is not something we see, like a rainbow, or feel, like the heat of a fire. 
Happiness is something you are."

I hope you find you're happiness today. 

Friday, July 30, 2010


I don't know about all of you guys but I pay extra attention to the news about all things military; and Army, more specifically.
Did you hear that July is now recorded as the deadliest month since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, 8 years ago? Total reported US casualties for July is 66.

Photos like these break my heart:

{source: LA Times}

{source: MSN}

{source: AolNews}

It's just heart-wrenching to see. It's reality, obviously but so moving when you're smacked in the face with the headlines on just about every major news website out there. On the flip side I'm happy to see this making headlines versus Season 2 of the Jersey Shore (in Miami... yea, doesn't make sense to be either).

In other Mil-related-news, the deadline is approaching for your stipend if you or your solder were "stop lossed". reports that "an estimated 145,000 service members are eligible for Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay, a stipend of $500 for each full or partial month served in stop-loss status." 
Click Here to find out more information.

The DOD reports that, "The rate of soldier suicides has risen in each of the past five years. In fiscal 2009, 160 soldiers took their own lives, while there more than 1,700 attempts. Meanwhile, soldiers without deployment experience or with one deployment account for 79 percent of Army suicides." What's the Army doing about this, you ask? A few notable changes are: the creation of 72 additional positions for chaplains, and "the number of recruiting waivers in 2009 is down almost 50 percent from 2007. Such waivers allow recruits with certain medical conditions and minor criminal offenses to enlist, helping the Army to meet recruiting goals. Some of these soldiers, Chiarelli acknowledged, are considered a higher risk for suicide than others" These are all good signs that the powers-at-be are taking note of this difficult and troubling issue. For some, it is too little, too late. I know that change takes time and especially within the Army culture, change is always difficult. So I am happy to see this being given more attention than once again revamping the various service uniforms. To MultiCam, or not to MultiCam? To beret, or not to beret?

In non-military related news, you MUST enter my giveaway, like NOW-ish. I know you like free stuff as much as I do. So just do it already! :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

In a League, all my own!

So here's the thing guys, once upon a time I was "Samantha, The ArmyWife" from A Day in This Army Wife's Life... but now I'm "Samantha, The Army Wife," from A League of Her Own! I appreciated all of the people who participated in the new-name-giveaway, but obviously I didn't go with one of the suggestions. But I will come back to that.
I Llluurve my new digs! I mean who wouldn't? Mrs. Muffins did a fantastic job. We worked together and i tried to convey what I wanted to her and she made it appear before my eyes! She's amazing. Please go check her out and take advantage of her 15% military discount!

Back to the giveaway business. I still have this $15 from to giveaway.
Here's how you can enter:
1) Per Name-Change-Suggestion
2) Blog about this giveaway
3) Follow me on Twitter {SamS_live}
4) Tweet about this giveaway
5) Blog about this giveaway (you can incorporate into a blog post or post in your sidebar)

So there are {5} chances to enter.
*For those who entered the last "name-change-suggestion-giveaway" you will automatically be entered.
For all other entries you must leave a comment with a link to your Tweet, with your twitter account (for proof of Twitter following), or link to your Blog (for proof of post about this giveaway).
This giveaway will close at 12, midnight Monday, 2 August 2010.
(OMG, is it really August already... HOLY MoLY)
The winner will be chosen via

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm Confused

First, I'm confused why my co-workers find it acceptable and appropriate to discuss politics at work. When I initially spoke to a co-worker/peer about this about two weeks ago she reminded me that a lot of these people have been working together for over 10 years. Ok, that's fine maybe even valid, but I haven't been working with these people for 10 years. Hell, I just passed my 1 month mark! But they insist on dragging me into these discussions. Well, I have a different stance than most of the people at this company. Which is fine. I have no problem disagreeing on political issues. What I do have a problem with, is it, 1: being in the workplace, period. and 2: when my direct supervisor (HR Director of the company) figures out where I stand (opposite from him) and jokingly makes a comment about how they'll "fix me up" and how they'll "help me."
Totally inappropriate.
I did respond to my boss by stating,"S----, that is the beauty of a Democracy, we don't have to agree and there is nothing wrong with that." To which he stated, with a smile, I think jokingly AGAIN "We'll fix you up, we have a way of doing that around here."
(sigh.. it's time to go home, I thought!)

Second, I'm confused about the latest craze: Vajazzling.
You remember the BaDazzler, right?
Well, females have proceeded to "badazzle" their nether regions; their female business.
Strange, right?
Evidently Jennifer Love Hewitt has jumped on the bandwagon. If you google this (which I'm sure you will out of pure curiosity) her face and name are everywhere!

I was also coerced talked into jumping on the Twitter bandwagon.
Hit me up if you wanna know why I truly joined Twitter, SamS_live.
Erin was kind enough to bust me out!
Here we go people, hopefully it should be fun.

Also confused about why The Cutest Blog on the Block is getting rid of my current blog background? BOO...
Have you noticed the lil' note on my blog about how it's going away in a few days?
Couldn't have a better time to start working on new digs around here!!

Also, don't forget about my giveaway going on right now!
CLOSES tomorrow Friday, 23 July 2010 at Midnight (MST).
Get your entries in now!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's BaaaaCCKk!

Hey MilSpouses, I received the following email from MYCAA this morning:

MyCAA Update

DoD will resume the MyCAA program. The Department of Defense has completed the program review and will be making the necessary adjustments to resume the MyCAA program beginning in October 2010.

Starting 8 a.m. (EDT) Monday October 25, 2010, Military OneSource career and education counselors will have a much more active role in supporting military spouses. In addition to understanding resources available via DoD's financial aid support, they will provide support and assistance to identify and gain access to other federal, state, and local programs. All military spouses of active duty service members will be eligible for career counseling and support.

New financial assistance guidelines. With a focus on the original intent of the program, the Defense Department's financial assistance program will:
Be available to spouses of active duty service members in pay grades E1-E5, W1-W2, and O1-O2

Offer a maximum financial benefit of $4,000 with a fiscal year cap of $2,000. Waivers will be available for spouses pursuing licensure or certification up to the total maximum assistance of $4,000

Require military spouses to finish their program of study within three years from the start date of the first course

Be limited to associate degrees, certifications, and licensures
These new guidelines reflect a return to the original purpose of the program - to assist spouses of service members in achieving portable careers. These changes also align the program with responsible fiscal planning by the Defense Department to help sustain the program. Additional program details will be posted on the Military OneSource Web site when they become available. We encourage you to check the site often.

Spouses who currently have an active account will be allowed to request financial assistance until Thursday, October 21, 2010. Beginning September 1, 2010, spouses may request financial assistance for classes that have a start date up to January 15, 2011. To ensure adequate time to plan for courses, no career plans will be accepted after August 31, 2010. All currently approved financial assistance documents will be honored.

Additionally, the review revealed that National Guard and Reserve members must be on active duty for their spouses to receive the MyCAA benefit. Spouses may no longer use the MyCAA benefit when the service member is in an alert or demobilization period. The new eligibility rule takes effect immediately.
The program will be closed from Friday, October 22 to Monday, October 25, 2010, so that we may ensure the infrastructure is in place to implement the new program.
Military spouses are the backbone for military families, displaying strength of character to be admired by this nation. The Department of Defense remains committed to investing in military families, and appreciates the sacrifice of those who also serve.
So, it's less than it once was, but it's progress and a step in the right direction. Lets just try to see the best in it before we all go off and tear "them" (the decision makers and such) to shreds. Let us also remember we do have the Post 9-11 GI Bill as an option also!
Thanks to everyone who entered my GIVEAWAY so far. I love all the ideas!
Anyone who is still interested in $15 gift card to CSN Stores please pop over and enter!

Monday, July 19, 2010

C'mon people...

if you haven't entered my giveaway then you NEED to! 
I need your assistance with my new bloggy title and lets face it you'll get something free out of the deal also so basically it's a win-win deal!
So c'mon help a girl out.

In other news, we're making headway in a lot of areas lately. 
We have someone interested in renting the house for at least a year and possibly interested in buying. I'm really hoping they lean toward the BUY option then the house will be out of my hair and I won't have to worry about it anymore! 
Also have some ideas lined up for our car situation but I'm not really sure how it will play out. 

Only thing... I'm still very torn about Brody. I want to do what is best for him and everyone that I've spoken to at Baumholder says that large dogs are miserable there. Does that make me a bad owner to know this going in and take him anyway because I want him with us?
The thought of him not coming with us makes me really sad. 
But part of being his owner is knowing what is best for him and doing that. 

Now I'm depressed and can't come up with anything else to talk about. 
What a crappy post. 

Enter the giveaway.  =)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Free Stuff

I love free stuff.
Do you love free stuff?

If you don't, that's just strange and you should!

For those who do,  you should read on:

As previously mentioned I won a bloggy make-over from Mrs. Muffins. We should be getting started very soon and I'm very excited!! I've been wanting to change the name of my blog for quite some time now, but I can't come up with anything clever and fun and interesting, that describes me and that I like! I've come up with things that are clever but don't describe me. And things that I like but aren't so clever. So this is where the give away comes in people. I've been blogging for 1 year and 5 months and some of you know me pretty well. So I want to you're help with my new blog title!
Here's how it works:
You can have as many entries as your little heart desires.
But keep the goal in mind:
1 brand-spanking new Blog Title for lil' ol' me which must be clever, fun, interesting and most importantly describe me and what my readers will find here!
If I choose your suggestion as my new blog title you will be the winner.
(nope nothing from today people)
The lucky person out there will receive a $15 gift certificate to CSN Stores. You will be able to choose anything from any of their 200+ shopping sites which include home decor, electronics, kitchen accessories, bedroom vanity, furniture for you home and many, many more.

This give away will close next Friday, 23 July 2010 at Midnight (MST) and winner will be announced Saturday the 24th!

Good luck and I can't wait to hear all of your suggestions!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Busy Bee

Since last week's MAJOR announcement I've been super stressed busy. So many of you bloggers in Germany or with experience have been so kind to share your wisdom with me over the course of the last week. I appreciate all the advice! We are still really excited for the opportunity and all of the adventures ahead. BUT... we have started to come to terms with the fact this process and experience isn't going to be all rainbows and smooth sailing. Based on what we've heard about the housing at Baumholder we are leaning towards leaving Brody with my gracious mother and father-in-law in lovely San Diego. I'm really heartbroken over this choice but I really feel like it would be the best thing for our precious 90 lbs golden retriever. You see with my luck (and with high probability) we'll wind up in a 900 sq ft apartment on the 4th floor. While we would definitely make the time to take Brody out on walks, we just feel like it wouldn't be fare or best to have him with us. =(
I also contacted our banks who our car loans are with and found out one of them can't be taken out of the country. BOO! Before everyone corrects me and says that "they" will only ship 1 vehicle, I already know this. But it fits our current situation best to pay out-of-pocket to ship it. So, I'll be trying to refinance the car to a bank that will allow us to take it out of the country. Chores.
I'm also hoping that my husband's command will allow him to go to the Levy Briefing so that we can have a hard copy of the orders. We all know you need them in hand to accomplish anything. Yes, I know I have approximately 5 months to get things done but I'd prefer to be ahead with time to kill versus BEHIND and scrambling. Also, we need them in order to apply for HAP before it goes bye-bye the 1st of September. Which well would save our lives but I'm thinking we won't qualify for based on when we purchased our home.
Lots to think about and lots to still do.

On top of all my "chores" I'm stressed over how to approach my new job and this PCS. I would love to talk openly about it and share my excitement with my co-workers. I just don't think it's the smart play. I'm torn though because I feel like I'm being dishonest. I have no intentions of leaving them in a lurch; and fully intend on giving them plenty of notice but I think that since I'm still so new that if I tell them the situation they'd say "Congrats, but don't come back Monday." Seriously people, from an employers perspective why would they want to invest anymore time into someone you know isn't with you long term? You wouldn't, right? Well there's my issue, I need the pay check until I leave.

Well, I'm off to convince myself that today will be better (you know, later) and that all of these things will work out for the best,  however they are supposed to.

Friday, July 9, 2010


BIG HUGE News coming your way people!
So remember wayyy back in the 8th when I first told you all about the possibility of going to Germany?
And I teased on Wednesday about off-post housing in Germany. Well its official we're headed here:
 Baumholder, Germany!

Wait... that's not ALL the news. Some of my long-time followers know that my sister, Katie also married a soldier (her high school sweetheart actually) and they are currently stationed at Fort Carson. Well yesterday she calls me on my cell, while I'm at work. I text her back because I can't be on my cell phone at work and ask her what's up? She replies "CALL ASAP." Ummm ok... My first thought was what about the kids? eeek!
She says, "So we're going to Germany too."
I said, "SHUT UP. No you're not."
You see my sis and her family have/had no desire to go to Europe. She was excited for us to have the opportunity to travel and see more of the world but please believe she laid the guilt trip on THICK when I told her we had orders (but at the time didn't know to which post in Germany).
She says, "No, seriously we do have orders. Levi called branch to see what his options were and they told him he has to report February 2011.
She also was able to tell me which post they were going to.
I was puzzled, as Kevin and I actually tried and pursued our orders and were told they didn't know specifically, to which post we were headed.
Well, as I'm on the phone with my sister and Levi is on the phone with Kevin, telling him the exciting news!
Kevin found out at that same time that we were headed to Baumholder!

Oh did I forget to mention where my sister and her family are going?
Yes, you probably guessed it: BAUMHOLDER!

Kevin and I were looking forward to being just "Samantha and Kevin" for a while but I know that my sister and my nephews and even Levi being there will make the transition a 1000 times easer.

It was really just crazy how the whole thing worked out! But I couldn't be more excited.
Wait... I have approximately a million things to accomplish before 10 December:
SELL a car (can't decide which one)
SHIP a Car
PACK and SHIP our household possesions
Get Brody Squared away to take him with us
Germany drivers license
Living on or off-post???
(kevin insists that we have to live off-post... because on-post they have apartments. Evidently he's beneath apartment living at this stage of his life. I tried to remind him that it's Europe and it's not like we'll find a single-family home with a huge yard. But what do I know?!)
That's just to name a few.
I have to get everything organized and ready to roll in a mere 5 months. I'll be contacting a real estate agent this weekend! Hopefully we can get the ball rolling on that FIRST!

So that's the BIGGEST news. But I also VERY excited to announce I won a bloggy make-over from Mrs. Muffins, via Shepdogg: One P, Double G!
It will probably be a week or two in the making.. since I'm fickle and indecisive.
Stay tuned for all the exciting changes to come...!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Want it Wednesday...

Holy crap! It's Wednesday already!
What do I want more than anything today? 
I want... my laundry done... cleaned. folded. put away properly! 

I want... a new DSLR camera. 
I haven't decided on a brand yet but I am shopping around and hopefully I can find one that I love ASAP!

I want... more information about off-post housing in GERMANY!!
Yea you heard that right! 
GERMANY here. we. come.

More than any of that... I want to go to bed. I'm BEAT!
Anyone else hate the first day back to work after a vacation???

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Starbucks and Pedicures

Where are you today? How are you celebrating our nations freedom and history??
Today I'm with my hubs in lovely San Diego. I am currently blogging from my handy dandy iPhone (on an app that serves it's purpose but isn't overly user friendly). I'm sitting across from my soldier getting a pedicure and sipping a Carmel White Chocolate Mocha. I'm extremely blessed today.
Blessed to have my soldier here with me; sharing these days and pedicures.
Blessed with amazing friends and family.

And even more blessed to be American.
Regardless of the issues that separate us today, I hope we come together and celebrate what makes our nation the greatest in the world; our freedom!

HAPPY 4th of July!

Friday, July 2, 2010

We've Arrived

Today we've officially arrived.
In I think, every way.
Kevin and I chose to fly out of Denver versus the Colorado Springs airport. Usually the savings doesn't warrant the trip to Denver but in this case it saved us $130 PER TICKET! Which you can bet your sweet ass warranted the trip to Denver. It was also nice to not have to switch planes. Only get on and off once! Thank the lord.
I was slightly nervous when we arrived later than planned to the airport. I should have listened to Kevin when he said that everything would be fine, instead of becoming just more and more nervous and anxious about the time. When he would say, "Calm down. We'll make it. Don't worry." I'd roll my eyes and count the open check-in kiosks and wonder pissily why the folks at the front of the line wouldn't occupy them.
Then I thought to myself, "Why on earth is the broad over there sporting 6" stilettos to fly?"
Just defied all sense of logic that I have. You see I'm one who dresses down to fly.
Might as well make as much effort to be comfortable as possible!

Speaking of comfort. Frontier is now my new favorite airline.
"Why?" you ask.
Well, because the lack of fees for checked bags extended to active duty military and the free DirecTV on the flight make up for the fact that we didn't (initially) have seats together on the plane and the rude BROAD at counter.
Usually airlines wave the fees for military only while on orders. Well not Frontier!
They allowed us to check-in two bags without any fees.

Once we were in the air and the beverage service was being served the nice flight attendant nicely asks Kevin if he was active duty, to which he replies yes. She then swipes her magic card and activates the DirecTV for both me and my hubby!
How sweet! That was awesome, I flipped between HGTV and TBS! Really made my experience a 1000 times more enjoyable.

Anywho, I'm off to spend time with the family and take my bra off contacts out.
If I'm not back before then, I hope you all have great 4th of July's!
Be safe.