Friday, July 30, 2010


I don't know about all of you guys but I pay extra attention to the news about all things military; and Army, more specifically.
Did you hear that July is now recorded as the deadliest month since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, 8 years ago? Total reported US casualties for July is 66.

Photos like these break my heart:

{source: LA Times}

{source: MSN}

{source: AolNews}

It's just heart-wrenching to see. It's reality, obviously but so moving when you're smacked in the face with the headlines on just about every major news website out there. On the flip side I'm happy to see this making headlines versus Season 2 of the Jersey Shore (in Miami... yea, doesn't make sense to be either).

In other Mil-related-news, the deadline is approaching for your stipend if you or your solder were "stop lossed". reports that "an estimated 145,000 service members are eligible for Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay, a stipend of $500 for each full or partial month served in stop-loss status." 
Click Here to find out more information.

The DOD reports that, "The rate of soldier suicides has risen in each of the past five years. In fiscal 2009, 160 soldiers took their own lives, while there more than 1,700 attempts. Meanwhile, soldiers without deployment experience or with one deployment account for 79 percent of Army suicides." What's the Army doing about this, you ask? A few notable changes are: the creation of 72 additional positions for chaplains, and "the number of recruiting waivers in 2009 is down almost 50 percent from 2007. Such waivers allow recruits with certain medical conditions and minor criminal offenses to enlist, helping the Army to meet recruiting goals. Some of these soldiers, Chiarelli acknowledged, are considered a higher risk for suicide than others" These are all good signs that the powers-at-be are taking note of this difficult and troubling issue. For some, it is too little, too late. I know that change takes time and especially within the Army culture, change is always difficult. So I am happy to see this being given more attention than once again revamping the various service uniforms. To MultiCam, or not to MultiCam? To beret, or not to beret?

In non-military related news, you MUST enter my giveaway, like NOW-ish. I know you like free stuff as much as I do. So just do it already! :)


Unknown said...

Stuff like this just is gut wrenching.

Amanda said...

It kills me as well to see stuff like this on the news. Especialloy with my husband struggling with the idea of going active and my cousin shipping out to Kuwait in a month. But at the same time, I too believe this should be top headline news versus the idiots on Jersey Shore or Chelsea Clinton's wedding.