Saturday, April 17, 2010

So I'm thinking...

... that I'm the only Army wife right now who isn't pregnant and/or doesn't have a kid already. 

Maybe that's a slight exaggeration but everywhere I look I see Army Wives and babies/kids. 
On top of which everyone I meet and already know asks me when I'm going to have a baby. I guess it's the thing to do these days. Don't get me wrong- I understand why they ask but... well I'm just not quite there yet. 

Then this morning my nephew, Nathan was supposed to have is very first soccer game on post. (I say "supposed to" because it's pretty cold and rainy today so they canceled the lil' kiddos' games) Well, I get my groggy behind out of bed and drive down to post. Since this was the beginning of the season they had a kick-off ceremony prior to the games. Picture it: A gym filled with mommies and daddies and babies galore. 
Then ME! :) haha
That's when it hit me: I'm the only person on this post without a baby. Have to be. 
(yes here I go exaggerating again; but that's truly how it felt and looked.)
I love being an Auntie right now and I do generally enjoy kids/babies and I'm good/comfortable with them also so it works out well, even though I'm literally the ONLY person I know without a child. Otherwise.... I'd be pretty damn lonely. 


Erin said...

Don't give in to the pressure!!

Anonymous said...

No kids for me either and I'm 25... kinda old by army standards to have no kids. At least that's what it looks like around here at Fort Lewis. I just don't want to bring kids into the world and have them have an absent father for up to a year at a time. I knew what I was getting into when I got married... but kids? I just don't think it's fair to raise them in this environment when I know my husband will be deployed again. Maybe when things settle down a bit.

Kayla said...

I agree with you. I feel like that sometimes too. I'm 23 and all of my friends re about 2-3 years older... and they're ALL PREGNANT!!! They had a conversation in front of me (BF and I aren't even married yet) about how they're 25 and you know, they're not getting any younger! I was like, ummmm where is the friggin fire? Yeesh...

Krista said...

im at lewis too, and standard age seems to be 19-barely 21 for first baby.... unfortunately im almost 22 so i missed that boat. i am definitely old by army standards.
luckily most of my friends are also childless!

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way until I had my little girl. I got married when I was 18 and people just assumed since I was married, I should have a kid. We weren't ready though. And we still had Riley young but we waited until WE were ready.

You aren't alone though!!!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Haha! I'm sure you weren't the only one. Ok...maybe at the kids party but I bet there's got to be one non knocked up girl somewhere up there!

Expat Girl said...

Haha I was telling a friend the other day about who I knew who was pregnant and the amount of babies in blogging world and she was like wow theres a lot of fertile army wives around, it seems like evryone has a baby!

Stephanie said...

I feel ya! Its like every time I turn around I see another person's pregnant or has a kid. People ask me, but, I mean, c'mon! We still haven't hit our first anniversary.

We should start a club, ha!

A Lady in Waiting said...

As I'm sure you (and most followers since they are military wives) know, that's just the way it is. Hubby is home for 6-12 months between deployments so what better to do then get knocked up?!?! Gotta have something to do while he's gone, right? HAHA...or even better while he's home on his R&R. I'm not married yet so I'm not there either, but there are many (most) military wives who have babies or are having them!

Lisa said...

I'm not a wife, but I'm REALLY old (27) to not have a baby by Army standards. I'm glad to not have had a baby while unmarried, although I did expect to be having children a lot sooner.

But I know what you mean-- when I'm at the FRG meeting and I look at the women my age who have 2-3 already, and the girls who are much younger and have at least one. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one without kids.

Although I don't live on post-- good to see some Ft. Lewis childless wives! :)

HellcatBetty said...

Pssshhh, I don't have any either. And while I definitely want kids, I'm not interested in it happening any time soon!

lola said...

You're not the only one without kiddos! :) I'm holding out for hopefully two more years!

Megan said...

I'm an Army wife, and I'm not pregnant or have children! The older we get, it's harder to find, but we are out there!

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

I feel the same way. All the other wives I enounter where we're stationed have kids. When people find out my hubby and I have been married 8 years and we have no kids, they look at me like I just spoke a foreign language. Sometimes it makes me feel like a freakazoid, but I'm just not ready for it yet, maybe never. Married with no children seems to be a rare combo these days, especially in the army.

Teri said...

I know how you feel. I would say about 97% of my friends are either pregnant, TTC or already have children. At least we still have our figures ;]

Anonymous said...

hiii i have to admit i just found your blog today and one of the reasons it applead to me was because you don't have kids!! (I dont either) and im a soon-to-be army wife. haha you're not alone!!