Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Twilight Loot

Here I was minding my own business at my homie's house... when we were bored witless with SoapNet programing (The OC, 90921, One Tree Hill) so we flip through the channels to see what we can find and what else just so happens to be on Cable... Twilight marathon. We caught the last 40-ish minutes of Twilight and we've now started on New Moon (maybe we'll make it through Eclipse... time will tell). I was just running out of peeps to talk to on the interwebs when I googled "twilight onsies" (for a friend's babe... obviously). Which of course lead me to tons of Twilight loot via CafePress (duh). There is some REALLLLY hilarious options out there people.

Need gear for your iphone right?
Comic T's: Got ee'



For preggers and babes:


My personal fav:
Sparkle you Fool, Sparkle!

Runner up:


Samantha said...

I totally just realized I messed up 90210... 90921 lol? c'mon people!!

Erin said...

I HAVE to have that button.