Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Want it.... Wednesday

I want to share a helpful driving tip with you all....
when you're driving near a merge point (which is how I think these areas should be referenced) do you, when possible move to the left lane so that the cars merging can make their way onto the road with ease? If not you SHOULD damn it!
Please consider the following graphic:
Yes, I made this bad boy in Paint. I haven't used paint since I was hmmm... 8 or so. Either way... the point being if you are the Orange box car you need to shift to the left because well it's the courteous thing to do. And BEING NICE IS NICER THAN BEING MEAN! So just get out of the way. 
End result:

You're welcome for the little tid bit of advice.
Happy Wednesday.


Megan Renata said...

Haha! I love this! & completely agree! I wish people did this more so I wouldn't have to freak out while driving

Expat Girl said...

Haha this made me laugh, I totally agree with you!

Sara said...

This made me laugh so hard. My husband and I were just talking about this earlier. I don't know if people don't care or if they just aren't paying attention. It irks me.

The Bolton Family said...

Hilarious! And FYI, I always merge to the left when possible, or slow down a little to let them in. I'm nice, cuz being nice is nicer than being mean!

Love the "paint" by the way. =)

Jen said...

LOVE it! so true!

lola said...

HAHA! I love the Paint illustrations! :) you are a rockstar -- and even more so -- completely right!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

HAHA!!!! Correct! I hate when people won't get over and let me on. I really hate those loops where it's an on/off ramp!

SCH said...

Hahah that is amazing, and totally true!!

A Lady in Waiting said...

This is absolutely hilarious and sooo true! Love it! Thanks for the illustrations in case we didn't understand. :-)

GUAMtastic said...

Who knew paint was making a comeback? Oh, and freaking hilarious!! SO TRUE!!

redheadchick said...

What no illustration of the collision of the orange and red boxes? I'd love to see that creation in paint. :) If you think it's bad where you live, try driving in Guam. There is no concept of the left lane (for passing, high speed, merging etc). People do whatever the heck they please around here.

Sara said...

LOVE the diagram. This is one of my big pet peeves. This, and people that dont use their blinkers. Thank you for posting this fabulous PSA.