Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekend Boredom

What do you do with your weekends?
The last month's weekends have been pretty damn boring around here! I don't like to just randomly or frivolously spend money. I'm a mission-minded kind of person. If there isn't a plan in place... why would we just venture out of the house? So I wonder what fun things you all do with your families on the weekends so that me and Kevin can steal your ideas and be more productive and fun (like you)!
I'm thinking we can go skiing (yes I'm the only 20-something on the planet who doesn't snowboard... never even tried it). It's fairly expensive but we can rent all our gear and buy our lift tickets on post so that will help. 
 Maybe we'll get some people together and make a weekend of it? hmmm...
It's an idea! Could be fun...
But there are so many things around the corner:
Thursday, I'll be in DC until Sunday!
YES, Super Bowl Sunday. It's ridiculous. When we bought the ticket we didn't know Super Bowl would be on the 7th. Grrrr!
The 8th is my big Sis' birthday.
My BIL should be back from A-stan by Valentine's Day... we hope!
Taxes, Dog Grooming, Baby shower, another Birthday.... Kevin's Birthday on St. Patty's Day (17 Mar). Then the family's newest addition will grace us with his presence! My sister should have her baby by the 15th of March!!
With all the excitement coming up I still want your weekend ideas!


Expat Girl said...

Ahhh ur going to be close to me in DC!! Mr Soldier and I have our weekends where we are lost for things to do too but thankfully in GA its sunny most the time so we go out driving and find neighbourhoods of mansions so we can drool/dream and then find outdoor bar areas to sit and have a few drinks before movie times. Sunday, we go out for breakfast and go walking with the dog for hours. I think sometimes its good not to be productive on the weekends, just enjoy each other!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I the skiing idea is good! I work most weekends...but if I'm not I like to get out and do things, see a movie, do a little shopping. Take a mini road trip. Do you have an aquarium near you? Those are always fun!

Hannah said...

You're not the only one! I'm going skiing this weekend for the first time ever!! Little scared.. haha.

You could always go to the animal shelter and volunteer to walk the dogs!

Mrs.Cass said...

The hubby and I love driving around and looking at houses too! It's fun to imagine what we could do to each house and how our lives would be! When it gets a little bit warmer we want to go hiking and put some good use to our fishing poles! I love relaxing weekends:)

SCH said...

I don't know if I've commented before, but Hi!

I ski also, I tired snowboarding and just love skiing too much to switch. See if your city has any fun events going on, that can be fun!

Kayla said...

I don't snowboard either and I'm 23. I have no desire to spend the day on my ass and knees. They're two very important body parts thanks very much. I'll stick with my skis. Have fun!