Thursday, January 28, 2010


I know I haven't blogged about my job search in a long while, but nevertheless I have still been searching for jobs. I was being considered for a NAF position at a nearby Air Force Base. I thought that with a few connections I would be a shoe-in. No so much. I found out yesterday they hired someone else for the position. :( I am very discouraged- you know AGAIN! But I am going to concentrate on things I have some control over. I'm going to go back to school. Isn't that good news? Yea, I'm so very excited about it.

I've been going back and forth for a while about what I want to go to school for? At what level? You know that age-old question, "what do I wanna be when I grow up?" I think I've found something that will work when Kevin and I should ever PCS. I'm just not sure its something I'm really pationate about. But I'm starting to learn (as I've said before) being a grown-up is no fun! We have to do things that we don't necessarily love to get through. Right?

What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing it? Or did you settle for something that would pay the bills?


Megan Renata said...
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Megan Renata said...
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Megan Renata said...

Sorry I deleted the comments above, I was correcting my spelling because I typed up my comment so fast.
Wow, this is the STORY of my life right now!
We just moved to Washington, from Cali. & I've been applying for some perfect jobs, and I'll do follow up calls, everything I can-- just to find out,
they've hired someone else? It's driving me nuts.
I've also really wanted to go back to school, but again, the same questions/concerns are running through my head. I can't decide on one thing to major in, because of the chance, we might PCS again really soon, & then I'm screwed.
I've been at a complete loss of what I should really do in my life, and It's been driving me crazy!
you're so right!being a 'grown-up' is no fun at all! haha :)

Lisa said...

I've been blogging about this question for months! I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, I'll tell you when I do grow up! :)

Right now I'm working at a job that I love and enjoy, and barely make enough to get by every month. Part of me wants to leave, for these opportunities that are coming up, that pay more but I have no idea if I'll love them or hate them. It's hard to know what's the right thing to do, and I wish I knew what suggestions I could offer you.

Steph said...

I think I wanted to be a teacher, like everyone else, when I was younger. I just started going back to school about a year ago and I honestly feel it's one of the best decisions I have ever made. It's very rewarding to do well in school.

JG said...

Good for you for going back to school! What a great way to take control of your situation. Hopefully that will help things get on the fast-track for you, career-wise.

Expat Girl said...

I think there are a few of us going through this right now so dont worry about it but good luck with school : ) I will tell you what I wanted to be when I grew up....a princess...erm I'm still working on that one!

Lin said...

I think it's great that you're going back to schoool. I've thought about it a few times but cant really afford it right now so...guess that's outta the question, lol.

I remember wanting to be a counselor when I was younger. I did a couple of semesters in college & then met the hubs & stopped. The last 5 years have been filled with married bliss but a job that is just "ok" & pays the bills. Good luck!

Sara said...

I am a RN, which I really enjoy and is mobile which is always helpful when married to a military man, but something tells me I won't be doing this for the rest of my life. I would like to go back to school to get my masters so I could teach, but maybe not. I'm not really sure either. So don't worry, looks like you're in good company!

Somedays I just want to start my own pampered chef business. haha!

Anonymous said...

When I was little I wanted to be an X-Ray tech. I started college back in 05 for that very thing, and after a few classes decided it wasn't for me. I just started back to college last year, and am going for my AAS in Paralegal studies. I did some volunteer work for JAG and loved it. So figured why not get a degree in the field. I haven't yet decided if I will get my BA in paralegal studies, I've been looking into getting my BA in the criminal justice field.

I honestly liked waiting as long as I did, because I want my career to make me happy, not dread going to work.

What are you thinking of going to school for?

redheadchick said...

a fighter pilot. I grew up watching jets and thought it'd be awesome. But that sort of faded away and I went and got a "normal" job. I ended up marrying a pilot and sort of figured out I am glad I never pursued it!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

When I was a kid, I never dreamed I would have the job that I have right now. Now that I have....some days I like it, same days...not so much.

Hang in there, you'll find something.

Unknown said...

good for you for going back to school.
i'm proud of you :o)

i pray you find something you love!!

Laura said...

I wanted to be a Janet Jackson back up dancer... lol Seriously. Reality set in and I turned to becoming a doctor, I guess I settled for half of that. It's still the medical field, so I guess I'm still living my "When I grow up I want to be..." dream.


My Army Brats and Me said...

Dont give up:) You will find something you really love and be great at it. Good Luck!

KelleeLyn said...

I went to school for my passion...Exercise Physiology...and graduated at a horrible time so that all the jobs that DID entail using my degree were cut from companies when the economy got bad. So...i'm not using my degree at all and am working a fairly menial job. They always say that a bachelor's will help you get ANY job...but right now...i'm just thankful to have found anything.
My hubby and I are PCSing in October and I'm looking into doing an accelerated RN program since I already have a BS...that's a fairly portable job and it's something i'm interested in.
Truely...I'll never know what I wanna be when I grow up :-)

Hannah said...

I wanted to be a vet/singer/artist. Well, I didn't want to go to school long enough for Vet school. I'm not in a position to become a singer. The artist thing is a work in progress, but will probably never become anything more than a hobby.
I'd love to work with things like Animal Cops, or animal shelters.
I'm working on a degree in Mass Comm., because it was the only degree I looked at that I didn't scowl at.
I'm thinking about getting my Real Estate license though, cause that sounds like a fun job!

Unknown said...

All I know is I want to work for myself:p Don't we all huh!!! Lol...Not really sure...There are so many things I think I could enjoy, like teaching, photography, teaching fitness...Ect...But like you said, what will work with our husbands current jobs and the event of a PCS???