I was driving to Ramstein on Saturday (to see 21 Jump Street with the hubs, HILARIOUS, btw) and it occurred to me this whole process really hasn't been as bad as I have been making it out to be. I am right now 17 weeks and 3 days preggo (4 months). The General was here the beginning of February. We were told last week that DEROS in the Company should be changing very soon and we should hopefully have orders by my birthday (which is about a month away). So really, for everyone to have new DEROS and new assignments in about a two month period is not so horrible. Especially when you consider it's the Government we're talking about here.
So here's to hoping we get what we want, and in a timely fashion! I have this feeling that everything is going to be just fine!

I hope your orders say here. I cannot help it.
I will be hoping for you! :)
I know how much it SUCKS to have to wait on the military to decide your fate.
We were shocked when the Army issued my husband a full year before his report date haha. Hope you get sent where you want to go :)
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