Sunday, December 4, 2011

Vacation Plans

I am back in full swing of this European life I am blessed with the opportunity to lead. I'm currently in Homecoming mode (and finish school mode) so that is my main priority. However, I am still planning past that in my mind. Block leave will start the middle of this month to allow for travel over the Christmas exodus. Between now and then I'm hoping to see a few more Christmas Markets:
Here's a few on my list
Bernkastel-Kues Christmas Market
Can you beat that? Don't think so. Bonus! It's only an hour and 1 minute from where I live. 
Nuremberg is also on my list but jeeeze, I think there isn't enough time for that this year! We will definitely give it a go though! 

After Christmas we're on to Paris for New Years!! Unfortunately they don't do it up big in Paris on New Years... WTF? No fireworks or anything of that nature. We're gonna have a good time though. I'm sure it'll still be good times. Even if New Years itself is lame we're seeing all the sights and I'm stoked. We'll be there the 30-2 so tell me what I can't miss, what are your favorite sites??

After Paris we don't have anything scheduled. I'm thinking more long-weekends than full-on vacations; an excursion if you will.

I think London would be good times for about 3/4 days. (yea or nea?)
I was also considering Northern Italy.... something like Ryanair into Florence, hitting up Pisa and on to Venice and flying home from Venice. Thoughts?
** nevermind, Ryanair doesn't like Florence.... face.palm. urg. 

Advice is welcomed so please, please offer it up!!


Amanda said...

I think you can fly from Frankfurt (where I assume you'll fly out of) to Pisa with RyanAir!

Anonymous said...

3-4 days in London will work, also, take the train to Brussels, then go to Bruges for an overnight,(local train),you won't regret it. Prague is awesome, all those cobblestone streets and wonderful food, dress warmly though! Have a great trip!!!!!

Hannah said...

I've only ever been to Frieberg's winter market but my mom was stationed in Heidelberg in the 70s and loved their winter markets! I hope you enjoy it :)

I think Paris will be a lot of fun - my favorite thing about Paris is wandering the city and getting lost (except not really, because you're always close to the metro). I know you'll have a wonderful time!

And yes - go to PRAGUE! We just went and it was amazing. I also had fun in Bratislava and you can get there really cheap and easily from Prague for a day/2 day trip. And Budapest, love that city too! See Central Europe before its overdone like Western Europe is!

Jen said...

Amazing!!!!!!! I am so jealous!