Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Want it Wednesday...

I want... to unveil two new awards designed by myself and The Undomestic Army Wife, please feel free to play along:


1: Why the person who nominated you is a "Bad Ass Bitch"
I nominate me, well because I'm the baddest-Bad Ass. I do my very best to make the best of any situation I'm faced with.
2: Why you are a "Bad Ass Bitch"
I nominated myself bc I know I'm Bad ASS.
3: Why the person you are nominating is a "Bad Ass Bitch"?
She always, always keeps it real. She's always tellin' it how it is. Plus I think her southern-charm is ADORABLE.
4. Then nominate 1 person you think is a "Bad Ass Bitch"
The ONE, the ONLY.....
Hilary (new blog title to be determined, of High Heel's and Combat Boots)


1: Tell us what you REALLY think of the Military Wife who tagged you for this award.
Well, I think she's effin' FANTASTIC (since it was MEEE)!! :)
2: Tell us about your soldier, marine, airman, seabee, etc...
My soldier is aaaamazing (duh). Just today he was inducted into the NCO Corps. He is currently a Bradley Mechanic, but is in the throws of applying to be a helicopter pilot. Fingers crossed on that. :)
3: Tell us what you REALLY think of the Military/Deployments/Current Duty Station.
I think the Military as with most things in life has it's good and bad aspect. I LOVE the tradition (about 10 guys were "knighted" at this ceremony today- wow) the Army offers. Deployments... SUCK donkey $a!!'s, 'nuf said. Ft. Carson, is the best Hometown in the Army (so they say) Hooah. It's good because I have family around... but bad becase I desperately want to see what else the world has to offer me. I sorta want out of Colorado. Nothing to do with the duty station.

4: Tell us about your "Dream Sheet".
(*Dream sheet= top 3/5 Posts you wouldn't mind being stationed at.)
Ft. Lewis, WA.
Something on the East Coast.

5: Tell us about your #1, all-time best experience has been while married to the military.
Shoot me... I'm going to be corny and cliche right now. My best experience since marrying into this way-of-life was Kevin's Re-deployment ceremony. Being in a room surrounded by people whom all had the same feelings of excitement, relief and nervousness was overwhelming. Finding my short husband in the crowd was the sweetest feeling in the world. I've never felt so relieved in all my life. It was amazing.

6: Any ol' thing you want: Free space to discuss whatever military/ Military related business you deem necessary.
Ugh... i'll go with N/A becaues I'm pressed for time right now. Sorry... I know I suck. it's my award and I'm not participating in the rules. Free space means I reserve the right not to discuss anything. Ppsssshhht.

7: Nominate up to 3 other military wives
Thanks for becoming my friend. You're refreshing for me to be around and a great mother to Hannah! I'm happy I met you.
I find you and your hubs just ridiculously adorable and stalk (stalk, in the most non-threatening way possible)your blog. I love that you remain independent; find things (hobby's, people) that make you happy, go after them and throw yourself into them whole-heartedly. I also love that you were sucked into the Twilight madness literally overnight. :-p
Wooop Whoop. I popped your Award cherry. Shhhh, don't tell anyone- it's a secret. ;) You're a breath of fresh air and your boys are too-freaking-cute for words!

~ Sorry for the lack of spell checking. I'm forced to go pick-up dinner.


hmb said...

It's cracking me up right now that I got the bad ass bitch award. LOL. You're a funny broad!

Hannah said...

Ooooh a military wife award!!! love it!
And, of course, the bad-assness.

Mrs. B said...

thank you for the award! LOVE IT!!!!

Unknown said...

oh made my day :o)

too bad i am a bad blogger this week!! :(
{my in laws are here}

thank you -- thank you -- thank you :o)

i love this award and i can't wait to hand nominate some fellow mil. wives!!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Loving the new blog awards

Anonymous said...

Nominated you for a blog award, I loving reading what is going on in your life... see my blog for details!