I wish I could say I spent the day counting my blessings but really I was out of sorts. I was here in Germany with no family. I had the traditional turkey and the fixins with some people I met recently; "acquaintances". I miss real friends, you know? I look forward to being done with the sorting-through-the-weirdos-phase and onto the lets-be-friends-phase.
Outside of the less-than-stellar Thanksgiving I had a pretty good weekend. Friday after lunch I ventured up to Heinsberg to visit my neighbor from Colo, Nikki. It was so nice to get out of boring ol' Baumholder and see a good friend.
Saturday, at the ass-crack of dawn we jumped on a tour over to Munster. After two hours on a bus we arrived and started in on our Gluhwein consumption. I collected three new cups. Somehow I only came home with 2 new ones though. It's ok the collection is growing. Munster's christmas market was spread throughout the city which was helpful seeing as though I had 7 hours in this city to kill. Too bad I forgot my camera!!! I know: giant FAIL, Sam! I scored a few lil' Xmas trinkets and a gift for my momma! So I'm ok with my loot.